
Should Your Business Move to Cloud Quickbooks?

Cloud-based Quickbooks Cloud-based Quickbooks (“QBO”) has made great strides in the past few years. Desktop Quickbooks (“QB”) was the top choice for many small businesses for years before QBO came into existence. QB was easy to use, cost effective and provided superior reports. However, the problem with QB was the clumsiness that came with file sharing. The QBA version (the

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Need To Catch Up On your Tax Filings?

Filing Canadian Income Tax Late Taxpayers are only human and sometimes we fall behind on our tax filings. Marital breakdowns, family emergencies and mental health issues are just a few of the reasons taxpayers are unable to file their returns on time. Life has a way of changing our routines and habits, and for an unfortunate few, this means that

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The Voluntary Disclosure Program to the Rescue

CRA’s Voluntary Disclosure Program Sometimes taxpayers make mistakes with their annual tax filings. These mistakes come in many forms: an omission, an understatement, a misclassification of an income, an information return left unfiled, or perhaps the tax advisor may have inadvertently misinterpreted the Income Tax Act. The examples are endless. A second chance Taxpayers who find themselves in these types of stressful

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