
Ending a Business Marriage: A Tax Perspective

Maybe your business has been struggling since the 2008-2009 financial crisis, or better yet, maybe the business has become more profitable every year since due to better management practices and branding. Despite progress or track record, maybe your finding that the relationships between the two or more shareholders involved in your business are strained, and this could be for various

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Which Canadian Personal Income Tax Deductions are Worth The Fuss?

Which Canadian Personal Income Tax Deductions are Worth the Hassle? As spring draws near, Canadians can look forward to cherry blossoms and spring skiing.  Another event is the filing of their personal income tax returns. With all the tax deductions and credits rules in the Income Tax Act, compiling all the information for your tax accountant to complete your personal

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A GST Refresher for BC Small Businesses

GST is a tax charged on most goods and services purchased in British Columbia. GST is charged on the gross sale price of the item or service before PST. A Business also gets to claim as input tax credit (“ITC”), the GST it pays out in operating its business. For example, GST paid on rent, computers, business cards, accounting fees, etc. are all

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