
Professional Partnerships and the Incorporated Partners

The 13.5% Corporate Tax Rate I have discussed or referenced in many corporate tax planning blogs that the biggest benefit to being an incorporated Canadian business is that the first $500,000 in corporate profits is taxed at a low 13.5% corporate tax rate. Professionals and their net profits from an incorporate practice also benefit from this corporate tax rate. Tax

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Effective Income Splitting Needs Professional Pre Planning

Income Splitting Pre Planning We are now firmly into the 2015 calendar year and with the New Year come new tax laws aimed at reducing your family’s tax burden (eg. recently announced family tax cuts) and changes to existing tax laws that reduce old benefits (eg. higher personal taxes on ineligible dividends). Ineligible Dividends Ineligible dividends are essentially the type

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Canadian Income Tax Penalties: Repeated Failure to Report Income

Penalties and interest charges are the most common tools the CRA uses to enforce compliance with the Canadian Income Tax Act. ‘Compliance’ refers to filing the tax and information returns in their entirety and on time. When a taxpayer (a person or a corporation) files late, there are late filing penalties on unpaid balances. There is another serious penalty in

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