
Controllership and CFO Advisory Services for Hire

Utilizing Outside Controllership & CFO Advisory Services Accounting departments in successful businesses are always bursting at the seams with special projects, audit preparations, financial statement preparations for bank financing, cash flowing projections, etc. The top people responsible for financial reporting and the financial management of an organization are typically the controller and/or the CFO. These professionals are responsible for the finance

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The Current Condo Rush in Vancouver – A Word of Caution

Buying a Condo in Vancouver, A Word of Caution Condos are selling like hot cakes in Vancouver right now. New developments allow investors to secure a brand new unit for a deposit as low as $5,000. The intention of this blog post is not to talk about the risk of an interest rate hike or a condo market downturn. The

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A Refresher – When to Incorporate Your Business

When to Incorporate We recently published a blog post on small business corporate tax rates in British Columbia heading downwards to 11.5% on the first $500,000 by 2019. This reflects a 15% reduction in taxes from the current 13.5%. Considering that taxes are a big-ticket expense item for businesses, a 15% reduction is a huge discount. However, upcoming corporate tax rate

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