
The Voluntary Disclosure Program to the Rescue

CRA’s Voluntary Disclosure Program Sometimes taxpayers make mistakes with their annual tax filings. These mistakes come in many forms: an omission, an understatement, a misclassification of an income, an information return left unfiled, or perhaps the tax advisor may have inadvertently misinterpreted the Income Tax Act. The examples are endless. A second chance Taxpayers who find themselves in these types of stressful

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Why Choose the Higher-Priced Professional Tax Advisor?

Increasing Risk of Being Selected for an Audit In our last blog we mentioned that it is no secret that the Canadian government and the CRA have recently been finding new ways to raise revenue. Recent news articles in the Globe and Mail have reported that the CRA has been devoting more resources into uncovering routine common filing errors made

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How to Avoid or Navigate Through a CRA Audit

Self-prepared returns are easy targets It is no secret that the Canadian government and the CRA have recently been finding new ways to raise revenue. In recent years, the CRA has devoted more resources towards identifying common filing errors in order to reassess additional taxes, interest and penalties to taxpayers. Statistically, the CRA is aware that tax returns prepared by

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