
Federal and BC Government Response to the COVID-19 Crisis – For Canadian Small Businesses

It is March 28, 2020 today.  At the end of this week, BC government and Ottawa came up with some huge assistance for small businesses which I will cover here.   I expect their response to only grow as time goes on and I will keep you abreast on new matters. First, Ottawa response and the official link is below.

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A Busy Summer for the CRA Auditors

Vancouver enjoyed excellent weather during the 2019 summer months without smoke to block the sunrays. CRA Audits Vancouver Businesses While the taxpayers were busy vacationing, the CRA was very busy sending out tax review letters to many businesses. Based on my own experience and conversations with colleagues, a massive fishing expedition was underway this spring and summer.  Many businesses are

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Time to Reconsider Remuneration Method for CCPC Shareholders

During the summer of 2017, CCPC shareholders and tax advisors across Canada were surprised with by the announcement of new tax rules and restrictions that were being planned by the Minister of Finance.  Basically, Ottawa felt that the existing rules at the time were too generous for the CCPC shareholders and intended to scale the “tax perks” down considerably. Almost

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